Question-2:  Which of the following things, you can check using Workload XM in your CDP cluster?

  1. Troubleshooting failed jobs.
  2. Optimizing slow jobs
  3. Workload XM displays metrics about a Job’s performance and compares the current Job execution with previous execution by creating baselines.
  4. Sending an email alert for failed and long running jobs.

Answer: 1,2,3

Exp: How do you get to know; how much workload is being handled by your Cloudera CDP platform? For example, you want to know that

  • Your workload is processed by which cluster.
  • Which Service was involved in processing your workload?
  • What data is processed as part of your workload.

These all things you can understand using Workload XM. Other things for your CDP, Workload XM can help is

  • Troubleshooting failed jobs.
  • Optimizing slow jobs
  • Workload XM displays metrics about a Job’s performance and compares the current Job execution with previous execution by creating baselines.

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