A00-231 :SAS Certified Specialist

  • Number of students: 5124
  • User Rating 4.7  
  • Price: $ 12.99 - $ 59.00

+ Course/Exam/Training Description

Price: $ 12.99 - $ 59.00 | 999INR - 2599INR

A00-231 :SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4 Questions and Answer for real exam : 35+ Scenarios and 101+ Multiple choice Questions and Answers for real exam

This is a first practical SAS base programming exam conducted and you will be provided with the SAS environment. At the same time using the scenarios various coding challenges would be given and you have to literally write the SAS Base code and then to test your code you have to answer the multiple choice or short answer-based questions. In a single scenario you would be given 1 or more questions. This exam launched since June-2019. Without having or doing any coding you can clear this certification exam, which make this credential more valuable then previously available. Also, this exam is a hybrid exam in this you would be asked standard multiple-choice questions as well. That’s the reason we highly recommend you should prepare at least these two exams A00-215 & A00-231 together. There are two sections in the exam as below.

Standard Questions: In this you would be asked following types of questions and you don’t have to write any code.

  • Multiple Choice Question
  • Fill In the blank’s questions
  • Short answer questions
  • Mapping questions etc

Scenario Based questions: In this coding challenges would be given. You have to implement those coding challenges and then answer series of the questions.

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Question: How to access SAS environment during the real exam?

Answer: You don’t have to install SAS software on your desktop, instead SAS would be providing a connection to launch remote SAS environment. You need to see that there are two things provided as below.

  • Right Side: Lab is provided
  • Left Side: Questions and instructions.

While working or solving a coding challenge you should resize the window as per your need. So that maximum screen is available to you.

Question: How the SAS A00-231 exam evaluated?

Answer: As you would be implementing the SAS code for given scenario, but the examiner is may or may not check your code. He is more interested to the answer of the questions. For each scenario there 1 to 3 multiple choice or short answer-based questions would be asked. And you need to answer them correctly to score.

Question: I have experience with the SAS Studio, in the exam which interface would be provided?

Answer: In the real SAS A00-231 exam there would be three different interfaces provided as below and you can choose as per your comfort.

  • SAS Studio
  • SAS Display manager
  • SAS Enterprise Guide

Question: In the real exam all questions are based on the scenarios?

Answer: No, this exam is a hybrid exam. Which include following two sections

  • Standard Questions: In this you would be asked following types of questions and you don’t have to write any code.
    • Multiple Choice Question
    • Fill In the blank’s questions
    • Short answer questions
    • Mapping questions etc
  • Scenario Based questions: In this coding challenges would be given. You have to implement those coding challenges and then answer series of the questions.

Question: Is there any difference between coding challenge and standard questions for the scoring?

Answer: Yes, certainly. For coding challenges, you would be given more score then standard questions. However, in the real exam it would be clearly mentioned which questions are having more weighted then other.

Question: Questions would be provided in any order?

Answer: Yes, coding challenges would be appearing first and then standard question.

Question: Is there any discount available for SAS certifications?

Answer: Generally, discounts are available and varies country by country. You can check SAS website for more detail. HadoopExam does not provide SAS exam voucher.

Question: Is there any difference if I appear for the SAS certifications from USA, China or Japan?

Answer: No, there is no difference in syllabus. It does not matter from which country you are appearing for the SAS exam. Usually you can choose your language in which you want to give the exam.

Question: What do you mean by short text-based questions answer?

Answer: This is recently introduced by SAS; in this you have type in the answer in a text box provided. Sometime you may even have to complete the SAS program by entering the text.

Question: What are the interactive questions and answer?

Answer: You would be provided some work area and you have to complete the work assigned which can include something like below

  • Use the drag and drop functionality to configure a user interface component.
  • Use the drop-down lists, check boxes and radio buttons to configure user interface components.
  • Complete the SAS program from given lines of the code.
  • Map the options from both the sides.

Question: What do you mean by scaling score?

Answer: On the SAS website this is the answer given

A scaled score converts the raw score (number of test questions answered correctly) to a consistent and standardized scale and is a common practice in certification programs to ensure that all forms of an exam have the same level of difficulty. With the complexity of practical testing and multiple case studies in the Predictive Modeling Using SAS Enterprise Miner exam, we use scaled scoring for this purpose. Which means that candidates taking the exam will have a consistent level of difficulty regardless of the set of exam questions presented.

Question: Do I need to consider the training provided by HadoopExam for this certification?

Answer: Yes, certainly you can consider and we are regularly upgrading our training material as well to accommodate the changes in the certification exam.

Question: How can I check sample questions for Scenario and multiple-choice questions, answer. Which are similar to real exam?

Answer: Check this link for sample questions

Question: Should I buy single certifications exam or if I want access to more than one exam and training. What can I do?

Answer: Most of our learners are creating custom packages as per your need. You can check all the available SAS products on https://www.hadoopexam.com and then send an email to admin@hadoopexam.com or hadoopexam@gmail.com . And our team get back to you with discounted price. Other most popular option is get the premium subscription and access all available material which is not limited SAS.

Question: Which all are the country in which SAS exam is conducted online?

Answer: You should consider SAS website for this detail. As of now we have seen learners from various countries like

North America, United Kingdom, Germany, India, Japan, Italy, China, UAE, Kuwait, Australia, Netherlands, Hong Kong , France, Austria, Canada, Ireland, Peru, New Zealand, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan etc.

Question: Once I appear and clear the certification exam. Can I see my name in public repository of SAS certification?

Answer: Yes, you can see. And that is where company validate your credentials.

Syllabus :

Access and Create Data Structures

  • Create Temporary and permanent SAS Data sets.
  • Investigate SAS data libraries using base SAS utility procedures.
  • Access data.
  • Combine SAS data sets.
  • Create and manipulate SAS date values.
  • Control which observations and variables in a SAS data set are processed and output.

Manage Data

  • Sort observations in a SAS data set.
  • Conditionally execute SAS statements.
  • Use assignment statements in the DATA step.
  • Modify variable attributes using options and statements in the DATA step.
  • Accumulate sub-totals and totals using DATA step statements.
  • Use SAS functions to manipulate character data, numeric data, and SAS date values.
  • Use SAS functions to convert character data to numeric and vice versa.
  • Process data using DO LOOPS.
  • Restructure SAS data sets with PROC TRANSPOSE.
  • Use macro variables to simplify program maintenance.

Error Handling

  • Identify and resolve programming logic errors.
  • Recognize and correct syntax errors.

Generate Reports and Output

  • Generate list reports using the PRINT procedure.
  • Generate summary reports and frequency tables using base SAS procedures.
  • Enhance reports with user-defined formats, titles, footnotes and SAS System reporting options.
  • Generate reports using ODS statements.
  • Export data.

Price: $ 12.99 - $ 59.00 | 999INR - 2599INR

A00-231 :SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4 Questions and Answer for real exam : 35+ Scenarios and 101+ Multiple choice Questions and Answers for real exam

This is a first practical SAS base programming exam conducted and you will be provided with the SAS environment. At the same time using the scenarios various coding challenges would be given and you have to literally write the SAS Base code and then to test your code you have to answer the multiple choice or short answer-based questions. In a single scenario you would be given 1 or more questions. This exam launched since June-2019. Without having or doing any coding you can clear this certification exam, which make this credential more valuable then previously available. Also, this exam is a hybrid exam in this you would be asked standard multiple-choice questions as well. That’s the reason we highly recommend you should prepare at least these two exams A00-215 & A00-231 together. There are two sections in the exam as below.

Standard Questions: In this you would be asked following types of questions and you don’t have to write any code.

  • Multiple Choice Question
  • Fill In the blank’s questions
  • Short answer questions
  • Mapping questions etc

Scenario Based questions: In this coding challenges would be given. You have to implement those coding challenges and then answer series of the questions.

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