Spark Databricks Certified Associate : Scala

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+ Course/Exam/Training Description

PR000023 : Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark 3.0 - Scala Certification Exam Preparation: 340+ Multiple choice Questions and Answers for real exam



Databricks® has now newer version of Spark 3.x Certification in which they would be testing your concepts, underline Spark Engine Knowledge, How Spark works, What is Catalyst optimizer and how it works, and extensively on DataFrame API and Some part of Spark SQL functions. See FAQ at the end of the page and Syllabus for more detail. And for that in the same 2 Hrs. exam they are having only one section as below. It is very difficult to find the detail about the questions and answers which are asked by Databricks during the exam and to the point preparation material is available only on . In this new certification exam Databricks is focusing more on the DataFrame, SparkSQL and Architecture of Spark.

  • Multiple Choice Exam

HadoopExam is delighted to announce the availabilty of certification preparation material for this new exam as well. All questions and answers are based on the completely new syllabus, currently we are providing 230+ multiple choice questions and few of the fill in the blanks questions to test DataFrame API extensively. In this Exam your knowledge would be tested for the Spark 3.x using Python. Since last 8 years in the BigData world, one of the fastest growing technology is Spark for sure. Every BigData solution provider has to adopt Spark technology on their platform whether its Cloudera, Hortonworks, HP-MapR, Azure Cloud, IBM etc. All these companies knows the power of Spark and the way Spark had changed the BigData, Analytics and Data Science industry. At the same time Spark itself had changed a lot to make itself gold standard BigData technology and one big driver behind that is Databricks. There are mainly two topics which would be tested for this certification and these are below.

  • Basics of Spark Architecture and Adaptive Query Execution Framework
  • Be able to apply the Spark DataFrame API to complete individual data manipulation task, including:
    • Selecting, renaming and manipulating columns
    • Filtering, dropping, sorting, and aggregating rows
    • Joining, reading, writing and partitioning DataFrames
    • Working with UDFs and Spark SQL functions
During the exam you will be given input and expected output and you need to select the correct code segment which can produce the output result. Even you would be given sample data and need to find the min, max, avg, rename column, add new column in the final output. Another possible couple of questions would be on Join. Hence, you must be aware about all kind of joins like left, right, outer, inner, semi, anti joins. There would be many questions in which you would be asked to find the correct code segment for achieving desired result.
No, keep in mind in this new certification exam Databricks is not asking any question based on the RDD. Hence, you can safely ignore the RDD API while preparing for this certification exam.
You would find 3-4 questions around Spark Architecture. Specially prepare for the Adaptive Query Execution framework. You will certainly have questions around that. HadoopExam certification simulator has around 25+ questions based on AQE framework. So please go through all those questions including the explanation given in the answer. Another couple of questions would be around following concepts
  • What is narrow and wide transformations?
  • How a simple or a complex query in Spark is executed?
  • What means ‘Lazy evaluation’, ‘Actions’, ‘Transformations’?
  • What all are Cluster deployment and which one to choose and when?
No, all these topics are not part of this new certification. You can safely ignore these topics. Thats is where HadoopExam is providing questions and answer for preparing this certification, which include the entire syllabus and no questions would be given out of syllabus.
You should have good understanding for the following concepts, each one would have around 1 question.
  • Broadcast Hash Joins
  • Broadcast variables
  • Accumulators
  • DataFrame and DataSet Persistence
  • Passing functions to Spark
  • DataFrame Coalesce, repartition


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+ Requirements & FAQ


Answer: There are currently 2 certifications are available for Apache Spark both are available in Python and Scala language.

These certifications are based on the different versions of Apache Spark and each certification is conducted in either of the Programming Language. Hence, while registration you have to choose correct Programming Language.


Answer: This online certification simulator is for the following certification exam
  •     PR000023: Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark 3.0 — Scala
Answer: There are mainly two topics which would be tested for this certification and these are below.
  • Have a basic understanding of the Spark architecture, including Adaptive Query Execution
  • Be able to apply the Spark DataFrame API to complete individual data manipulation task, including:
  • selecting, renaming and manipulating columns
  • filtering, dropping, sorting, and aggregating rows
  • joining, reading, writing and partitioning DataFrames
  • working with UDFs and Spark SQL functions
Answer: In the Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark 2.4 certification mainly access following from the DataFrame API.
Data Manipulation in a SparkSession using DataFrame API. Which include following things
  • Selecting Columns
  • Renaming Columns
  • Manipulating Columns
  • Filtering Data
  • Dropping Columns and Data
  • Sorting Data
  • Row Aggregations
  • Handling Missing Data
  • Combining DataFrame
  • Reading DataFrame
  • Writing DataFrame
  • DataFrame Partitioning
  • DataFrame Partitioning with Schema
  • Working with UDF
  • SparkSQL Functions
  • Spark Architecture
  • Basics of Spark Architecture
  • Execution Modes
  • Deployment Modes
  • Execution Hierarchy
  • Garbage collection
  • Broadcasting.
Answer: In this exam it is expected that you have at-least 6 months of Hands-on experience. However, this is not mandatory. also wants that you practice well the Questions and Answers provided to you. Understand the various concepts with the DataFrame API and solve the program-based questions given.
Answer: Yes, HadoopExam is in process and book is already being authored. Please visit or drop an email to whether its available or not.
Answer: No, there are no hands-on questions for these certifications. But don’t take multiple choice questions lightly because there are many questions which are based on lengthy program. Similar, questions you would find in practice questions. Provided by on this page.
Answer: It is not expected from you to have extensive knowledge of Scala or Python programming knowledge. But you must have basic understanding of the either programming language. If you want to learn Python or Scala. You can consider the below trainings provided by
Answer: There would be in total 60 questions given which would be MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions). You would be given 120 minutes to solve the same.
Answer: You need to score 70% which is equivalent to the 42 questions. So, each question has equal weightage.
Answer: No, this is not an open book exam. But to help you with the API. You would be provided PDF version of Apache Spark Documentation. Which we don’t think highly useful. Because if you go through documentation then it would be good amount of time wastage. And should be avoided and must be used only during question review which are tough to answer. But this is not open book exam and you would not be able to search answer on the Google.
Answer: Below material would be provided during the real exam.
  • API doc in either Scala or Python. Based on the language you would choose in PDF format.
  • Digital Notepad (which you can use of scratch work or writing sample program). However, please note that this is not a real environment where you can run your code.
Answer: Your exam would be graded immediately and receive a score report immediately. And within a week you would be receiving your certificate in digital format.
Answer: As of now this exam is available only in English language.
Answer: No, for Specific Spark version certificate would never expire. But as soon as new version of Spark is released this certificate naturally expires.
Answer: This exam is having $200 + taxes (if applicable). For each exam retake you have to pay the same fee.
Answer: No, Databricks does not provide any specific detail about the questions you answered. Like which one was correct and which one are wrong. Use material provided by for scoring highest score.
Answer: Now world is changing towards maximum online. Mostly learnt things from COVID-19 pandemic. And Databricks is also conducting this exam completely online and you don’t have to go any test center for this exam.
Answer: No, Databricks does not send the Hard Copy of the certificate. You need to download and if required you can print the same.
Answer: Below are the three main section with the approximate number of questions. Which would be asked in the real exam.
  • Spark Architecture: Concept Based Question: 17%: 10 Questions
  • Adaptive Query Execution: Framework: 11%: 6/7 Questions
  • Spark DataFrame API applications: 72%: 43/44 Questions
Answer: No, you need to complete all 60 Questions in 120 minutes. HadoopExam recommends that you spend less amount of time on Architecture section as there you don’t have to solve the problem and just your concepts would be tested. So, all architecture based 16/17 questions should not take more than 15 minutes. But DataFrame API based questions are complex and matter a lot for passing your exam. And you need to spend more time on that.
Answer: No, this exam is testing Open Source Apache Spark and no questions would be asked based on the Databricks platform.
Answer: No, in this exam you would be choosing either Scala or Python programming language. And language specific concepts like Dataset’s encoders, Decoders, Python Vectorized UDF are not part of this certification exam.
Answer: Keep checking this page. HadoopExam technical team is writing the book and that would be helpful for this certification. Please keep monitoring this link for the same.
Answer: No, as of now does not provide any voucher for this certification exam.
Answer: No, certainly SparkSQL is part of this Databricks certification exam. But not good enough to pass this certification exam.
Answer: No, that is the good thing about this certification exam. This is not based on Databricks or Microsoft Databricks platform based. But rather available using Apache Spark platform.
Answer: The Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark 3.0 certification exam assesses the understanding of the
  • Spark DataFrame API and
  • the ability to apply the Spark DataFrame API to complete basic data manipulation tasks within a Spark session.
These tasks include selecting, renaming and manipulating columns; filtering, dropping, sorting, and aggregating rows; handling missing data; combining, reading, writing and partitioning DataFrames with schemas; and working with UDFs and Spark SQL functions. In addition, the exam will assess the basics of the Spark architecture like execution/deployment modes, the execution hierarchy, fault tolerance, garbage collection, and broadcasting.
Answer: HadoopExam providing following material for which you can consider for your learnings.
  • Trainings
  • Books
  • Interview Preparation
Answer: You need to subscribe below Google Group which is open to all. As well as keep visiting this page (Release & Updates) on the!forum/heupdates

You can also refer this page to check the regular releases done by This would give you the date by date updates.
Answer: Yes, you can check below material for preparing for the interview questions and answers.

Interview Preparation
Answer: You can select all the available products from the website home page and customize them. You can send your product requirement and send email to and our billing team would provide the custom packaged discounted price.
Answer: Yes, there is an option available and that is recommended option if you always want to access the latest and regularly updated product. Select any of the subscription as per your choice from this page.

PR000023 : Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark 3.0 - Scala Certification Exam Preparation: 340+ Multiple choice Questions and Answers for real exam



Databricks® has now newer version of Spark 3.x Certification in which they would be testing your concepts, underline Spark Engine Knowledge, How Spark works, What is Catalyst optimizer and how it works, and extensively on DataFrame API and Some part of Spark SQL functions. See FAQ at the end of the page and Syllabus for more detail. And for that in the same 2 Hrs. exam they are having only one section as below. It is very difficult to find the detail about the questions and answers which are asked by Databricks during the exam and to the point preparation material is available only on . In this new certification exam Databricks is focusing more on the DataFrame, SparkSQL and Architecture of Spark.

  • Multiple Choice Exam

HadoopExam is delighted to announce the availabilty of certification preparation material for this new exam as well. All questions and answers are based on the completely new syllabus, currently we are providing 230+ multiple choice questions and few of the fill in the blanks questions to test DataFrame API extensively. In this Exam your knowledge would be tested for the Spark 3.x using Python. Since last 8 years in the BigData world, one of the fastest growing technology is Spark for sure. Every BigData solution provider has to adopt Spark technology on their platform whether its Cloudera, Hortonworks, HP-MapR, Azure Cloud, IBM etc. All these companies knows the power of Spark and the way Spark had changed the BigData, Analytics and Data Science industry. At the same time Spark itself had changed a lot to make itself gold standard BigData technology and one big driver behind that is Databricks. There are mainly two topics which would be tested for this certification and these are below.

  • Basics of Spark Architecture and Adaptive Query Execution Framework
  • Be able to apply the Spark DataFrame API to complete individual data manipulation task, including:
    • Selecting, renaming and manipulating columns
    • Filtering, dropping, sorting, and aggregating rows
    • Joining, reading, writing and partitioning DataFrames
    • Working with UDFs and Spark SQL functions
During the exam you will be given input and expected output and you need to select the correct code segment which can produce the output result. Even you would be given sample data and need to find the min, max, avg, rename column, add new column in the final output. Another possible couple of questions would be on Join. Hence, you must be aware about all kind of joins like left, right, outer, inner, semi, anti joins. There would be many questions in which you would be asked to find the correct code segment for achieving desired result.
No, keep in mind in this new certification exam Databricks is not asking any question based on the RDD. Hence, you can safely ignore the RDD API while preparing for this certification exam.
You would find 3-4 questions around Spark Architecture. Specially prepare for the Adaptive Query Execution framework. You will certainly have questions around that. HadoopExam certification simulator has around 25+ questions based on AQE framework. So please go through all those questions including the explanation given in the answer. Another couple of questions would be around following concepts
  • What is narrow and wide transformations?
  • How a simple or a complex query in Spark is executed?
  • What means ‘Lazy evaluation’, ‘Actions’, ‘Transformations’?
  • What all are Cluster deployment and which one to choose and when?
No, all these topics are not part of this new certification. You can safely ignore these topics. Thats is where HadoopExam is providing questions and answer for preparing this certification, which include the entire syllabus and no questions would be given out of syllabus.
You should have good understanding for the following concepts, each one would have around 1 question.
  • Broadcast Hash Joins
  • Broadcast variables
  • Accumulators
  • DataFrame and DataSet Persistence
  • Passing functions to Spark
  • DataFrame Coalesce, repartition


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