A00-232 :SAS® Certified Professional: Advanced Programming Using SAS®

  • Number of students: 5212
  • User Rating 4.6  
  • Price: $ 12.99 - $ 55.00

+ Course/Exam/Training Description

 Price: $ 12.99 - $ 55.00 | 999INR - 2599INR

A00-232 :SAS® Certified Professional: Advanced Programming Using SAS® 9.4 Questions and Answer for real exam : Include Projects/scenarios and MCQ : 20+ Scenarios(Project) and 235+ Multiple choice (Standard) Questions and Answers for real exam

SAS has changed the way it was previously conducting certification exam and now they have hybrid model for evlauting the candidate. To get certify for SAS A00-232 certification you have to now implement the actual code using SAS Browser based studio which is hosted on the Cloud as well as you need to answer approx 15 standard multiple choice question and answer. Hence, now memorizing the question and answer would not help, you literally write the code to pass this SAS Advanced certification. Since last 6 year HadoopExam is helping thousands of learner to become SAS expert by providing training material as well as certification preparation material. And to continue the same we are launching SAS Certified Professional Advanced Programming Scenario based question and answer where we are providing, step by step solution for the each scenario and also help you get the answer to the question which are based on these scenario. This is a another practical SAS base advanced programming exam. At the same time using the scenarios, various coding challenges would be given and you have to write the SAS code and then to test your code you have to answer the multiple choice or short answer-based questions. Even for this exam SAS is going to check your code as well, and you have done the things which is asked in the exam or not. SAS uses some macro to evluate your code as well as evluator manually check the code. In a single scenario you would be given 1 or more questions. This exam launched since June-2019. Without having or doing any coding you can not clear this certification exam, which make this credential more valuable then previously available. That’s the reason we highly recommend you should prepare exam in order A00-215 , A00-231 & A00-232 together. There are two sections in the exam as below.

  • Standard Questions: In this you would be asked following types of questions and you don’t have to write any code.
    • Multiple Choice Question
    • Fill In the blank’s questions
    • Short answer questions
    • Mapping questions etc
  • Scenario Based questions: In this coding challenges would be given. You have to implement those coding challenges and then answer series of the questions.In this you should also be able to execute macro to test your code. Please watch the below videos and FAQ to understand further.

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+ Requirements & FAQ


Question: How to access SAS environment during the real exam A00-232?

Answer: You don’t have to install SAS software on your desktop, instead SAS would be providing a connection to launch remote SAS environment. You need to check that there are two things provided as below.

  • Right Side: Lab is provided (Open SAS tool to solve the given problem, keep 2/3 Window for this)
  • Left Side: Questions and instructions (Keep it 1/3rd space for this, so you can read questions and answer anytime)

While working or solving a coding challenge you should resize the window as per your need. So that maximum screen is available to you.

Question: What kind of instructions are provided for the SAS A00-232 exam during real time?

Answer: You would see instructions as below

This exam will present series of programming projetcs. At the end of each project, you will invoke a macro that will assess your work (wow : kind of Immeidiate assessment). Name of the macro would be scoreit and perform following stuff.  

  1. Reset the environment to a baseline configuration.
  2. Look for the SAS program. If it cannot locate it, it will produce an error and instruct you to check the name and location of your file.
  3. Run your program
  4. Evaluate your program by:
  • Checking the result : This may be the values withing an output data (very similar stuff HadoopExam implemented using the short text based question and answer) set, attributes of a data set, or system parameters such as valyues of macro variables. 
  • Examining the code that you wrote to verify that you solved the problem as described. These are broad-based checks that still provide you with flexibility in your chosen solution. For example, if the project asks you to create a dataset with an SQL query, do not solve the problem using DATA step.
  • Then return a 3 digit response code to the SAS log that will indicate if you solved the project correctly. This code would be used internally to validate your results. You will transfer this value to your exam question, where it asks: What is the value of Response in th elog?

Question: Is data library provided for the SAS A00-232 exam ?
Answer: Yes, you would be provided with a data library which would be having name as cert (in HadoopExam practice questions, you would be populating such data library). In exam cert library would points to "c:certinput" it means you would be solving problem on the Windows env. When SAS env starts, you dont have to explicitely create it and this is write protected. If you need to save any dataset, use the Work library.

Question: Should i always keep score.sas file opened, during SAS A00-232 exam?

Answer: Yes, you would find this program in "c:certprograms" . As you would be running scoreit macro from this program to evlaute each project. To avoid recurssion (macro calling same macro and lead to infinite loop) do not run the scoreit macro from within your project file.

Question: During real exam SAS documentation provided?

Answer: Yes, During your exam, you will have access to SAS documentation via Internet explorer, which would open SAS 9.4 documentation. Important points to remember

  • Avoid wasting too much time on the documentation. Memorize as many common stuff as possible.
  • Accessing documentation can cause lab computer respond slowly.
  • Once you find the stuff your looking from documentation then close documentation window.

Question: Can you please let me know, what is the weightage or scoring pattern?

Answer: Usually programming question (coding challange) each would have 3 points and you would be  having 15 standard multiple choice question each would be having 1 point.

Qustion: In the real exam timer will be provided?

Answer: Yes, the timer will be in the upper right corner of the screen and that would be in Count Down mode and tell you the remaining time for your exam.

Question: Can i see all the projects together in real exam?

Answer: Yes, you can walk through each one by one. You would be using Next button to transition from one project to another project.


Question: How the SAS A00-232 exam evaluated?

Answer: As you would be implementing the SAS code for given scenario, but the examiner is may or may not check your code.  As well as there would be some macros provided which even you can use it to check the few basic scoring. For each scenario there 1 to 3 multiple choice or short answer-based questions would be asked. And you need to answer them correctly to score.Once you submit your solution evaluator would manually check the code you have provided. Because you would be explicitely asekd to save the code in one of the file e.g. for each scenario create a one file to save the SAS code.

Question: I have experience with the SAS Studio, in the exam which interface would be provided?

Answer: In the real SAS A00-232 exam there would be three different interfaces provided as below and you can choose as per your comfort.

  • SAS Studio
  • SAS Display manager
  • SAS Enterprise Guide

Question: In the real exam (A00-232) all questions are based on the scenarios?

Answer: No, this exam is a hybrid exam. Which include following two sections

-              Standard Questions: In this you would be asked following types of questions and you don’t have to write any code.

o   Multiple Choice Question

o   Fill In the blank’s questions

o   Short answer questions

o   Mapping questions etc

-              Scenario Based questions: In this coding challenges would be given. You have to implement those coding challenges and then answer series of the questions.

Question: Is there any difference between coding challenge and standard questions for the scoring for SAS advanced programming?

Answer: Yes, certainly. For coding challenges, you would be given more score then standard questions. However, in the real exam it would be clearly mentioned which questions are more weighted then other.

Question: Questions would be provided in any order?

Answer: Yes, coding challenges would be appearing first and then standard question.

Question: Is there any discount available for SAS certifications?

Answer: Generally, discounts are available and varies country by country. You can check SAS website for more detail. HadoopExam does not provide SAS exam voucher.

Question: Is there any difference if I appear for the SAS certifications from USA, China, France, Italy, UAE or Japan?

Answer: No, there is no difference in syllabus. It does not matter from which country you are appearing for the SAS exam. Usually you can choose your language in which you want to give the exam.

Question: What do you mean by short text-based questions answer?

Answer: This is recently introduced by SAS; in this you have to type in the answer in a text box provided. Sometime you may even have to complete the SAS program by entering the text.

Question: What are the interactive questions and answer?

Answer: You would be provided some work area and you have to complete the work assigned which can include something like below

  • Use the drag and drop functionality to configure a user interface component.
  • Use the drop-down lists, check boxes and radio buttons to configure user interface components.
  • Complete the SAS program from given lines of the code
  • Map the options from both the sides.

Question: What do you mean by scaling score?

Answer: On the SAS website this is the answer given

A scaled score converts the raw score (number of test questions answered correctly) to a consistent and standardized scale and is a common practice in certification programs to ensure that all forms of an exam have the same level of difficulty. With the complexity of practical testing and multiple case studies in the Predictive Modeling Using SAS Enterprise Miner exam, we use scaled scoring for this purpose. Which means that candidates taking the exam will have a consistent level of difficulty regardless of the set of exam questions presented.

Question: Do I need to consider the training provided by HadoopExam for this certification?

Answer: Yes, certainly you can consider and we are regularly upgrading our training material as well to accommodate the changes in the certification exam, for more detail always check this page(SAS All products), what is currently available.

Question: How can I check sample questions for Scenario and multiple-choice questions, answer. Which are similar to real exam?

Answer: Check this link for sample questions

-          Sample Scenario based question and answer

-          Sample Multiple choice questions and answer

Question: Should I buy single certifications exam or if I want access to more than one exam and training. What can I do?

Answer: Most of our learners are creating custom packages as per their need. You can check all the available SAS products on https://www.hadoopexam.com and then send an email to admin@hadoopexam.com or hadoopexam@gmail.com . And our team get back to you with discounted price. Other most popular option is get the premium subscription and access all available material which is not limited SAS.

Question: Which all are the country in which SAS exam is conducted online?

Answer: You should consider SAS website for this detail. As of now we have seen learners from various countries like

North America, United Kingdom, Germany, India, Japan, Italy, China, UAE, Kuwait, Australia, Netherlands, Hong Kong , France, Austria, Canada, Ireland, Peru, New Zealand, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan etc.

Question: Once I appear and clear the certification exam. Can I see my name in public repository of SAS certification?

Answer: Yes, you can see. And that is where company validate your credentials.

Syllabus :

Accessing Data Using SQL

  • Generate detail reports by working with a single table, joining tables, or using set operators in SQL
  • Use PROC SQL to perform SQL queries.
  • Select columns in a table with a SELECT statement and FROM clause.
  • Create a table from a query result set.
  • Create new calculated columns.
  • Assign an alias with the AS keyword.
  • Use case logic to select values for a column.
  • Retrieve rows that satisfy a condition with a WHERE clause.
  • Subset data by calculated columns with the CALCULATED keyword.
  • Join tables - inner joins, full joins (coalesce function), right joins, left joins, cross joins.
  • Combine tables using set operators - union, outer join, except, intersect.
  • Sort data with an ORDER BY clause.
  • Assign labels and formats to columns.
  • Generate summary reports by working with a single table, joining tables, or using set operators in the SQL.
    • Summarize data across and down columns using summary functions (AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM).
    • Group data using GROUP BY clause.
    • Filter grouped data using HAVING clause.
    • Eliminate duplicate values with the DISTINCT keyword.
  • Construct sub-queries and in-line views within an SQL procedure step.
    • Subset data by using non-correlated subqueries.
    • Reference an in-line view with other views or tables (multiple tables).
  • Use special features of the SQL procedure.
    • Use SAS data set options with PROC SQL (KEEP=, DROP=, RENAME=, OBS=).
    • Use PROC SQL invocation options (INOBS=, OUTOBS=. NOPRINT, NUMBER)
    • Use PROC SQL with the SAS Macro Facility to create macro variables with the INTO keyword.
    • Use SAS functions (SCAN, SUBSTR, LENGTH).
    • Access SAS system information by using DICTIONARY tables (members, tables,columns)

Macro Processing

  • Create and use user-defined and automatic macro variables within the SAS Macro Language.
    • Define and use macro variables.
    • Use macro variable name delimiter. (.)
    • Use INTO clause of the SELECT statement in SQL.
    • Use the SYMPUTX routine in a DATA Step.
    • Control variable scope with:
      • %GLOBAL statement
      • %LOCAL statement
      • SYMPUTX scope parameter
  • Automate programs by defining and calling macros using the SAS Macro Language.
    • Define a macro using the %MACRO and %MEND statements.
    • Insert comments into macros.
    • Pass Information into a macro using parameters.
    • Generate SAS Code conditionally by using the %IF-%THEN-%ELSE macro statements or iterative %DO statements.
  • Use macro functions.
    • Use macro character functions. (%SCAN, %SUBSTR, %INDEX, %UPCASE)
    • Use macro quoting functions. (%NRSTR, %STR)
    • Use macro evaluation functions. (%EVAL)
    • Use %SYSFUNC to execute DATA step functions within the SAS Macro Language.
  • Debug macros
    • Trace the flow of execution with the MLOGIC option.
    • Examine the generated SAS statements with the MPRINT option.
    • Examine macro variable resolution with the SYMBOLGEN option.
    • Use the %PUT statement to print information to the log.
  • Create data-driven programs using SAS Macro Language.
  • Create a series of macro variables.
  • Create a macro variable containing a delimited list of values using PROC SQL.
  • Use indirect reference to macro variables. (&&, etc)
  • Generate repetitive macro calls using:
    • the %DO loop,
    • SQL query with SELECT INTO
    • DATA Step with DOSUBL or the EXECUTE routine function.

Advanced Techniques

  • Process data using 1 and 2 dimensional arrays.
    • Define and use character arrays.
    • Define and use numeric arrays.
    • Create variables with arrays.
    • Reference arrays within a DO loop.
    • Specify the array dimension with the DIM function.
    • Define arrays as temporary arrays.
    • Load initial values for an array from a SAS data set.

Process data using hash objects

  • Declare hash and hash iterator objects
    • Dataset argument
    • Ordered argument
    • Multidata argument
  • Use hash object methods
    •  definekey()
    •  definedata()
    •  definedone()
    •  find()
    •  add()
    •  output()
  • Use hash iterator object methods
    • first()
    • next()
    • last()
    • prev()
    • Use hash objects as lookup tables.
    • Use hash objects to create sorted data sets.
    • Use hash iterator objects to access data in forward or reverse key order.

Use SAS utility procedures

  • Specify a template using the PICTURE statement within the FORMAT Procedure
    • Specify templates for date, time, and datetime values using directives.
    • Specify templates for numeric values using digit selectors.
  • Create custom functions with the FCMP procedure
    • Create character and numeric custom functions with single or multiple arguments.
    • Create custom functions based on conditional processing.
    • Use custom functions with the global option CMPLIB=.

 Price: $ 12.99 - $ 55.00 | 999INR - 2599INR

A00-232 :SAS® Certified Professional: Advanced Programming Using SAS® 9.4 Questions and Answer for real exam : Include Projects/scenarios and MCQ : 20+ Scenarios(Project) and 235+ Multiple choice (Standard) Questions and Answers for real exam

SAS has changed the way it was previously conducting certification exam and now they have hybrid model for evlauting the candidate. To get certify for SAS A00-232 certification you have to now implement the actual code using SAS Browser based studio which is hosted on the Cloud as well as you need to answer approx 15 standard multiple choice question and answer. Hence, now memorizing the question and answer would not help, you literally write the code to pass this SAS Advanced certification. Since last 6 year HadoopExam is helping thousands of learner to become SAS expert by providing training material as well as certification preparation material. And to continue the same we are launching SAS Certified Professional Advanced Programming Scenario based question and answer where we are providing, step by step solution for the each scenario and also help you get the answer to the question which are based on these scenario. This is a another practical SAS base advanced programming exam. At the same time using the scenarios, various coding challenges would be given and you have to write the SAS code and then to test your code you have to answer the multiple choice or short answer-based questions. Even for this exam SAS is going to check your code as well, and you have done the things which is asked in the exam or not. SAS uses some macro to evluate your code as well as evluator manually check the code. In a single scenario you would be given 1 or more questions. This exam launched since June-2019. Without having or doing any coding you can not clear this certification exam, which make this credential more valuable then previously available. That’s the reason we highly recommend you should prepare exam in order A00-215 , A00-231 & A00-232 together. There are two sections in the exam as below.

  • Standard Questions: In this you would be asked following types of questions and you don’t have to write any code.
    • Multiple Choice Question
    • Fill In the blank’s questions
    • Short answer questions
    • Mapping questions etc
  • Scenario Based questions: In this coding challenges would be given. You have to implement those coding challenges and then answer series of the questions.In this you should also be able to execute macro to test your code. Please watch the below videos and FAQ to understand further.

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