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Question: What are the Earning Criteria for clearing Cloudera CDP-4001 Certification?
Answer: This CDP Data Analyst exam tests the required Cloudera skills and knowledge required for data analysts to be successful in their role. The exam tests the use of Cloudera products such as
- Cloudera Data Visualization
- Cloudera Machine Learning
- Cloudera Data Science Workbench
- Cloudera Data Warehouseas well as SQL
- Apache Nifi
- Apache Hive and other open source technologies.
Question: What is the sample link for CDP-4001 certification?
Answer: You can check here for sample certificate issued and publicly viewable

Question: What is the full name of the CDP-4001 certification?
Answer: Full name of this certification exam is “CDP Data Analyst” and Exam code is “CDP-4001”.
Question: How many questions would be there in real exam?
Answer: There would be in total 50 Number of Questions.
Question: What is the Duration for real exam?
Answer: Real exam would have 120 minutes duration.
Question: Do Cloudera publishes my score in certificate or as part of result?
Answer: No, this is a pass-fail exam. We do not publish exam pass scores. Candidates should not be trying to achieve any particular score. Rather they should be aiming for the highest score possible.
Question: Are there any resources of reference material allowed during this exam?
Answer: No, in previous exam Cloudera was allowing to use reference material. However, for this particular exam this is no more allowed.
Question: Can you please share section wise weight for this CDP-4001 certification exam?
Answer: Yes, this is the most important thing to prepare for the real exam. Which is as below
- Use Cloudera Data Visualization Building dashboards to display summary data 7.50% (4 Questions)
- Use Apache Hive or Apache Impala to combine data sets using unions or joins 27.50% (13 Questions)
- Use Cloudera Data Science Workbench to create machine learning applications and prototype advanced logic 7.50% (4 Questions)
- Use Cloudera Machine Learning to create machine learning applications and prototype advanced logic 5.00% (3 Questions)
- Use Apache Ranger and Atlas to secure database tables 50% (4 Questions)
- Use Apache Hive or Apache Impala to provide SQL access to data to browse existing databases and tables in big data systems 50% (4 Questions)
- Calculate aggregate statistics, such as sums and averages, during a query using Apache Hive or Apache Impala 00% (15 Questions)
- Develop and implement databases (and data collection systems?) using Cloudera Data Warehouse 50% (4 Questions)
Question: I am quite interested to upgrade my Career and looking for this certification quality preparation material. Who can help?
Answer: Only or can help you to prepare for this certification exam in right manner. We have been providing Big Data, Machine Learning, Data Science and Cloud Computing Learning Solutions since 2011.
Question: I heard there are two CDP platform for Private Cloud, what are those and what is the difference?
Answer: Yes, you are right there are two CDP platform for private cloud which are as below
- Cloudera Data Platform: Private Cloud Base
- Cloudera Data Platform: Private Cloud Plus
Question: What is the CDP: Private Cloud Base?
Answer: This is very similar to what you have been seeing from last many years like CDH and HDP. This is designed to run on self-contained clusters deployed on bare metal and does not use the cloud native containerized approach upon which the self-service experiences are built.
Question: What is the CDP Private Cloud Plus?
Answer: This is Private Cloud Base + Integrated with other services and provide services like Data lakes and provide data storage and SDX services.
Question: I am looking for trainings for this certification preparation, who can provide me detail for the same?
Answer: Yes, is providing trainings in various format. Please drop an email on so that we can provide the entire detail and also, what are you or your team is looking for, we can craft new format or syllabus as per your requirement as well.
- On Demand Video Recorded Trainings which includes
- White Board Sessions
- Hands Exercises
- Setting Up Practice in Environment on Google Cloud
- Required Data Will be shared
- One On One Online trainings
- Based on your requirement we can have scheduled one on one trainings
- Batch Online Training
- If you are 2 or more learners, please let us know, we can craft trainings accordingly.