Question-1: You are having a CDP Data platform already setup by your BigData team which has following Hybrid Setup
- 2 Cluster on AWS Public Cloud
- 5 Cluster on Your Company Data Centre
Out of which 2 cluster which are in AWS are for Development and Testing purpose, now you want that. How much load is on the cluster which are on AWS public cloud, so that you can find the budget and further planning. So, which of the following you would use to find the Workload on your public cloud cluster?
- Using AWS Cloud Watch
- Using AWS Billing
- Using CDP Cloudera Manager
- Using CDP Replication Manager
- Using CDP Workload XM
- Using CDP Telemetry Publisher
Answer: 5
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This Question is from QuickTechie Cloudera CDP Certification Preparation Kit.
AWS CloudWatch: This is a monitoring tool provided by AWS, which provides you with data and actionable insights to monitor your applications, respond to system-wide performance changes, and optimize resource utilization. CloudWatch collects monitoring and operational data in the form of logs, metrics, and events. You get a unified view of operational health and gain complete visibility of your AWS resources, applications, and services running on AWS and on-premises. You can use CloudWatch to detect anomalous behaviour in your environments, set alarms, visualize logs and metrics side by side, take automated actions, troubleshoot issues, and discover insights to keep your applications running smoothly. However, this is not a good choice for checking workload on your CDP Cluster. Since, this would include all the resources which are being used for a particular AWS Account.
AWS Billing: Is just to check your billing amount for the resources you are using from AWS Cloud and not for the managing Workload on your CDP cluster.
Cloudera Manager: Cloudera Manager is an application you use to manage, configure, and monitor CDP Private Cloud Base clusters and Cloudera Runtime services. The Cloudera Manager server runs on a host in your CDP Private Cloud Base deployment and manages one or more clusters using Cloudera Manager Agents that run on each host in the cluster.
The Cloudera Manager Admin Console is a web application administrators and others can use to manage CDP Private Cloud Base deployments. Using the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, you can start and stop the cluster and individual services, configure and add new services, manage security, and upgrade the cluster. You can also use the Cloudera Manager API to programmatically perform management tasks. Since, Cloudera Manager is an Admin console, it gives you capability to monitor and manager your CDP cluster. But not a right tool for finding workload on your cluster. Hence, this is also not a right choice.
CDP Replication Manager: As name suggests, it is for replicating data to Public Cloud Clusters, which are managed using CDP. Replication Manager is a service in a CDP. That support copying data from HDFS, Hive and HBase to CDP Public Cloud clusters. However, there are different versions dependency what it supports or not. For that you need to look into Support Matrix for Replication Manager on CDP Public Cloud. Hence, this can not be a correct option.
Workload XM: How do you get to know; how much workload is being handled by your Cloudera CDP platform? For example, you want to know that
- Your workload is processed by which cluster.
- Which Service was involved in processing your workload?
- What data is processed as part of your workload.
These all things you can understand using Workload XM.
Hence, we can say that Workload XM is a correct choice for this question.
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This Question is from QuickTechie Cloudera CDP Certification Preparation Kit.