Question-34: Select correct statements with regards to networking and security for Cloudera Private Cloud Base setup.
- CDH Requires IPV6 and support for IPV4 must be disabled.
- By Default, Cloudera Runtime supports the Multihoming
- The Cloudera Manager Agent runs as root
Answer: 3,4
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This Question is from QuickTechie Cloudera CDP Certification Preparation Kit.
Cloudera Manager and IPV4
CDH requires IPv4. IPv6 is not supported and must be disabled. Contact your OS vendor for help disabling IPv6.
Cloudera Manager and Multihoming Support
Multihoming Cloudera Runtime or Cloudera Manager is not supported outside specifically certified Cloudera partner appliances. Cloudera finds that current Hadoop architectures combined with modern network infrastructures and security practices remove the need for multihoming. Multihoming, however, is beneficial internally in appliance form factors to take advantage of high-bandwidth InfiniBand interconnects.
Although some subareas of the product may work with unsupported custom multihoming configurations, there are known issues with multihoming. In addition, unknown issues may arise because multihoming is not covered by our test matrix outside the Cloudera-certified partner appliances.
Cluster hosts must have a working network name resolution system and correctly formatted /etc/hosts file. All cluster hosts must have properly configured forward and reverse host resolution through DNS. The /etc/hosts files must:
Contain consistent information about hostnames and IP addresses across all hosts
- Not contain uppercase hostnames
- Not contain duplicate IP addresses
Cluster hosts must not use aliases, either in /etc/hosts or in configuring DNS. A properly formatted /etc/hosts file should be similar to the following example: localhost.localdomain localhost cluster-01 cluster-02 cluster-03
Cloudera Manager and SSH
This Question is from QuickTechie Cloudera CDP Certification Preparation Kit.
In most cases, the Cloudera Manager Server must have SSH access to the cluster hosts when you run the installation or upgrade wizard. You must log in using a root account or an account that has password-less sudo permission. For authentication during the installation and upgrade procedures, you must either enter the password or upload a public and private key pair for the root or sudo user account. If you want to use a public and private key pair, the public key must be installed on the cluster hosts before you use Cloudera Manager.
Cloudera Manager uses SSH only during the initial install or upgrade. Once the cluster is set up, you can disable root SSH access or change the root password. Cloudera Manager does not save SSH credentials, and all credential information is discarded when the installation is complete.
Cloudera Manager and Agent
The Cloudera Manager Agent runs as root so that it can make sure that the required directories are created and that processes and files are owned by the appropriate user (for example, the hdfs and mapred users).