Question-33: Select correct statements with JDK requirement with Cloudera CDP Platform
- Cloudera supports both JDK 32 and JDK 64 bit
- Running Runtime nodes within the same cluster on different JDK releases are supported. All cluster hosts may use different version of supported JDK update level.
- Cloudera strongly recommends installing Oracle JDK at /usr/java/<jdk-version> and OpenJDK at /usr/lib/jvm
- Running Runtime nodes within the same cluster on different JDK releases is not supported. All cluster hosts must use the same JDK update level.
This Question is from QuickTechie Cloudera CDP Certification Preparation Kit.
Exp: Important Points with regards to Java or JDK on Cloudera Private Base cluster
- Cloudera tests only the OpenJDK builds that are provided by each operating system, and only the versions listed in the support matrix.
- Cloudera strongly recommends installing Oracle JDK at /usr/java/<jdk-version> and OpenJDK at /usr/lib/jvm, which allows Cloudera Manager to auto-detect and use the correct JDK version. If you install the JDK anywhere else, there are additional steps required to configure Cloudera Manager with your chosen location.
- A Java optimization called compressed oops (ordinary object pointers) enables a 64-bit JVM to address heap sizes up to about 32 GB using 4-byte pointers. For larger heap sizes, 8-byte pointers are required. This means that a heap size slightly less than 32 GB can hold more objects than a heap size slightly more than 32 GB.
- If you do not need more than 32 GB heap, set your heap size to 31GB or less to avoid this issue. If you need 32 GB or more, set your heap size to 48 GB or higher to account for the larger pointers. In general, for heap sizes above 32 GB, multiply the amount of heap you need by 1.5.
- Unless specifically excluded, Cloudera supports later updates to a major JDK release from the release that support was introduced. Cloudera excludes or removes support for select Java updates when security is jeopardized.
- Running Runtime nodes within the same cluster on different JDK releases is not supported. All cluster hosts must use the same JDK update level.
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This Question is from QuickTechie Cloudera CDP Certification Preparation Kit.