Question-3: You are working on a cluster setup at North America Data Center. Which of the following activity you can perform using Cloudera manager Admin UI, being an Administrator?

Cluster Stop & Start

Service Start and Stop

Configuring a new Service

Upgrading Cluster

Updating Configuration

Changing Security Configurations.

Answer: 1, 2,3,4,5,6

Exam: Since, here nothing is given what role you have. So we can assume, you are having Super Admin Role and you can perform all of the below things.

  • Admin Console: Cloudera Manager Admin Console is a web application which administrator can use to manage CDP Private Cloud Base Deployments.
  • Administrator Action
    • Cluster start & Stop: Using the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, administrator can start and stop the cluster.
    • Individual Service: Similarly, individual service can be stopped or started with same admin console.
    • Configure a Service: You can even add a new service or update its configurations.
    • Manage Security: You can manage security features using same admin console.
    • Upgrade cluster: Similarly, you can upgrade the existing cluster.
    • Update Configuration: Using single and central console, you can make configuration changes across your cluster and incorporates a full range of reporting and diagnostic tools to help you optimize performance and utilization.

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